Team Development

In work environments characterized by diversity and complexity, decision-making is a real challenge. One method that offers a solution to this problem is systemic consensus.

What is Systemic Consensus?

Systemic consensus is a decision-making method aimed at finding solutions that all group members at least agree with. It is not a competition for the most popular idea, but a process that seeks the least common resistance. This method promotes understanding and acceptance within the group by providing a space for open discussions and allowing each member to express their opinions and concerns.

How Does the Method Work?

  1. Topic Disclosure: The topic to be discussed is first disclosed. All group members are invited to share their views and suggestions.
  2. Opinion Exchange: The group discusses the topic openly, considering the opinions of all members.
  3. Evaluation of Proposals: Members then evaluate each proposed solution, idea, or option based on their personal resistance on a scale from 0 (no resistance) to 10 (high resistance).
  4. Decision-Making: The option with the lowest total resistance points is chosen. This approach ensures that the selected option is one that most members can live with, even if it is not their first choice.

What Are the Advantages of Systemic Consensus?

  • Inclusivity: By providing a platform where all voices are heard, systemic consensus fosters a sense of belonging and respect within the group.
  • Conflict Reduction: By finding a solution that generates the least resistance, potential conflicts are minimized.
  • Effectiveness: This method can lead to more creative and innovative solutions, as it encourages the group to think outside the box and find compromises.

What Are the Disadvantages?

  • Time Consumption: Systemic consensus can be time-consuming. The numerous rounds of discussion and consensus-building can lead to longer decision times, which can be disadvantageous in urgent situations.
  • Outcome Uncertainty: Since the process aims to achieve consensus, there is a possibility that the final decision is a compromise that does not optimally address all interests. This can lead to less innovative or suboptimal results.
  • Difficulties with Large Numbers of Participants: In very large groups, achieving a unified opinion and managing the consensus process efficiently can be challenging. Coordination and moderation can become complex.

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