Embodying non-violent Communication?

What is needed in this very moment? A similar question marks the beginning of a chapter in David K. Weinstock’s book, “Becoming What You Need – Practices for Embodying Nonviolent Communication.” I encountered this concept unexpectedly during a retreat on a sunny November afternoon, in a workshop that was not originally on our agenda. Under […]
Overcoming One’s “Immunity to Change”

“What could I change about myself to have a positive effect on my life?” This question accompanied me on my journey to Berlin, where I participated in the “Immunity to Change” workshop by Johannes Willms, who directly learned the concept from Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. My desire for change that I wanted to work […]
Team Development

In work environments characterized by diversity and complexity, decision-making is a real challenge. One method that offers a solution to this problem is systemic consensus. What is Systemic Consensus? Systemic consensus is a decision-making method aimed at finding solutions that all group members at least agree with. It is not a competition for the most […]
Utilizing collegial counseling for Change Management

In a rapidly changing work environment, the ability to speak up, ask for help, and admit mistakes is crucial. However, these actions can only happen when employees feel secure—when they trust that their colleagues will listen, support them, and provide constructive feedback. How Collegial Counseling Can Foster Psychological Safety Over the past years, I have […]
Leading from Within: Authentic Leadership

Explore how understanding your inner team can help you develop a more authentic and effective leadership style.
Building Psychological Safety in Teams

Discover how inner team work can contribute to creating psychologically safe environments where teams can thrive.
Identifying Your Inner Critics and Advocates

Learn how to recognize the different voices within your inner team and how they influence your decisions and behaviors.